Insight Activation 3D Model


The Opportunity

The retail industry is experiencing an explosion in new data types and research methodologies. Everyone recognizes the need to develop and apply insights for competitive advantage. Yet, for many retailers, the challenge has become “how” to convert an ocean an information into breakthrough insights for business planning and monitoring in a cost effective, sustainable manner. TPG has developed a proprietary model that organizes, prioritizes and applies the retailer’s wealth of data and research for effective planning and monitoring. This model is synchronized with the consumer-shopper journey:

  • Desire – When and where a shopper desires to purchase the category
  • Decide – What product or service a shopper decides to buy within the category
  • Delight – The delight a consumer experiences when the product or service is consumed

The application of TPG’s 3D Model has enabled many retailers to reduce the information overload and clutter while driving more purposeful data and research utilization. Ultimately, it is providing a tangible solution for developing and activating meaningful insights.


Retail Category Management


What We Do

TPG’s 3D Model provides a clear framework for developing, understanding, and utilizing consumer and shopper insights to develop winning marketing and merchandising solutions. A partial list of our 3D consulting services include:

  • Assessment: A thorough review of the client’s data, research, insight development and activation processes, systems/tools and organization capabilities including best practice benchmarking and a competitive analysis.
  • Data & Research Architecture: Application of the client’s data and research to TPG’s 3D model for turnkey utilization for business planning and monitoring. Creation of proprietary data modeling or research protocols leveraging the client’s untapped data or research facilities.
  • Data & Research Acquisition: Prioritization and facilitation of acquiring the desired research and/or syndicated data.
  • Data & Research Income and Policy: Identification of data and/or research that could be sold to suppliers or data providers. Creation ore refinement of policies related to selling or sharing proprietary data and/or research.
  • Insight Factory Design: The design of the insight development and activation processes that are fully integrated into the core business planning and monitoring work streams. Also, the creation of an insight repository.
  • Organization Capability: Identify the required organization structure, competencies and training regiment to build the desired insight development and activation capabilities. Design and implement a Insight Center of Excellence to build leading-edge capabilities.

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