Client Description
Major US Manufacturer
Major customers were unhappy with inventory levels (high and variable) while experiencing unacceptable level of stockouts. Client also had unacceptably high inventory levels with high variation. Commitment to fill all promotion orders contributed to excess cost in the supply chain.
Worked with client and a key retail customer to identify root causes and redefine work processes that would have high potential for reapplication with other major customers
TPG Approach
Worked with cross functional team to identify inventory drivers
Analyzed and recommended improvements to S&OP/Demand Planning Process
Integrated Demand Planning process into business planning at the customer level
Improved promotion planning process
Identified and addressed opportunities for process improvement at retail
Implemented improved CPFR process
Reduced average inventory levels at the retailer by 20%
Improved in-stock results by 200 basis points
Expedited disposition and handling of remnant packs
Created new order management process to minimize sales and buying involvement