Case Study: Redefining The Children’s Books Department

Client Description

National Book Specialty Retailer & Publisher


Sales of Children’s Books Department had been experiencing a continual decline for several months having a broader impact on total store sales and customer household purchases.


Revitalize Children’s Books Category reversing the recent sales trends and erosion of household purchases in other categories.

TPG Approach

  • Performed consumer and shopper research to uncover the underlying reasons for the declines.
  • Identified fundamental miss-alignment in the current age based definition of the category versus the child’s reading development stage needs of the customers.
  • Restructured the Category Definition impacting the merchandising, marketing, and product development requirements conveyed to the publishers.


  • New Children’s Reading Department design.
  • Section navigational signage guiding customers to the appropriate reading development section within the department.
  • Improved collaboration with publishers resulting in navigational information included on the back covers of books.
  • Dramatic increase in Department Sales.

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