Retail Talent Development

Talent is critically important to all distributors and retailers. Yet, despite spending billions annually on leadership development and talent management, research suggests that few are seeing the desired return on investment. Today’s business imperatives present a new generation of human resource challenges and priorities which, in turn, are resulting in a higher level of rigor and strategic thinking to human capital planning.

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How We Help Clients

business world imageTPG helps clients attract, build and retain talent



[rquotebox image=”http:/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/head-with-gears.jpg” link=”/manufacturer-consulting/talent-development-2/manufacturer-talent-development-case-studies/” desclink=”Learn more about our impact” byline=”Chief Merchandising Officer – North American Retailer”]
TPG enabled us to appreciate and develop our talent. The results are extraordinary.[/rquotebox]

TPG Advantage

We are convinced that great people and organizational capability are a primary source of competitive advantage. Our proprietary human capital analytics and solutions combined with our experienced and passionate partners enables our clients to:

  • Define required competencies to win
  • Assess and match capabilities to role requirements
  • Develop leaders and top talent
  • Strengthen organizational health and engagement
  • See tangible results and benefits from their human capital programs


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