

The Foodservice world is an extremely competitive, challenging and constantly evolving industry that requires unique skills and capabilities from manufacturers, from operators, distributors, agents and other stakeholders. Many organizations aspire for successful talent retention and capability building programs yet struggle with how to best develop a comprehensive approach that utilizes an effective and productive process to deliver the right training to the right person in the right manner. Given the fast paced, do more with less environment, best in class companies are recognizing the need to “teach and do” concurrently in a practical and efficient, hands-on learning environment supported by experts.



Foodservice Consulting


What We Do

TPG’s customized Foodservice training programs provide clients with exactly what they need to improve their core business capabilities. Our collaboratively designed curriculum, leverages unique elements of existing training while integrating TPG’s industry leading best practice knowledge and application.

  • Assessment: Comprehensive assessment identifying the strengths and opportunities in the area.
  • Capability Objectives and Goals: Jointly developed training plan to identify who should participate, what should the team come away with and how will the training play out. Specific learning objectives, such as moving research/data and observations to insights, or creating strategies are common themes in recent courses.
  • Capability Roadmap: Identification of the components necessary to create the complete learning journey. Typically includes multiple learning sessions and approaches (Hands on Instructor led, on-line go at your own pace) to complete the skill development required.
  • Execution Planning: Development of the implementation plan to include pilot training programs to test and refine (as needed) and a comprehensive and thoughtful deployment program to assure the right learning environment and structure to deliver the most effective transfer of knowledge.
  • Training Facilitation: TPG’s experts facilitate the training courses to assure that participants not only realize the academic learning necessary to develop the desired skill sets, but also have the opportunity to engage the trainers in practical solutions to real time issues and challenges faced in the business today.