eCommerce Training


eCommerce Training

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TPG can help your teams in the field drive bigger results with their customers by increasing their digital, eCommerce and omni-channel knowledge through instruction led, webinar and e-learning training. This “eCommerce” training is a powerful way to deliver growth across all customers in a fragmented landscape without adding additional resources.


What We Do

  • Skills and Knowledge (Competency) Assessment: Through our digital experts, TPG has identified specific skills and competencies that are required for sales teams to have within their teams when collaborating with retailers. An initial assessment is done to determine where there are gaps.
  • Digital Commerce Training: The digital training experts at TPG will write a training curriculum tailored to the needs of the supplier based on the Skills Assessment. This training will then be facilitated by TPG, leading individuals through their current job role into their new digital skillset.
    TPG functional experts with years of digital experience have created our training content. They have successfully managed the digital marketing, eCommerce and related functions within retail and supplier organizations that are the targets of our client’s talent development programs.
    We create an integrated, sequenced Talent Development program leveraging the 70-20-10 blended learning model including:

    • Instructor Led Workshops
    • Experiential Learning
    • Micro – Video Learning
    • E-learning Curriculum
