Client Description
Mid-cap manufacturer and distributor of sporting goods to North America and Europe.
The client requested TPG complete a comprehensive end-to-end evaluation of their processes, roles and structure in central, regional and vendor locations and recommend changes to their new Global Quality Assurance department based on best practices in Total Quality Management.
To activate quality assurance and quality control processes and infrastructure from product creation through manufacturing to drive continuous improvement to World Class product quality as a competitive advantage.
TPG Approach
TPG completed 50+ interviews a opportunity analysis relative to TQM and industry-specific organizational best practices that spanned US, Canada, China, Taiwan, and Thailand company and strategic vendor locations. From the gathered insights and an additional competency survey, TPG provided a diverse series of recommendations designed to bring the the total organization up to best practice over a 3 years span.
- All project objectives were either met or exceeded.
- The implementation of ALL recommendations is in progress.