Consulting that Works: Client Testimonial

TPG prides itself on providing consulting that works. Below is a recent client experience that highlights that point in our Customer Management Practice.

This is a real Client testimonial that illustrates how we do work that is effective and truly works. If you want consultants that can make a difference for you by helping to develop and activate solutions that work, email us or call us at 1-513-469-6840.


Over the last 3 years I have met and worked with more outside help than I think was prudent — in the form of consultants, recruiters, experts etc. I can honestly tell you when I look back, over 85% of them were a waste of our company’s money. In many cases they just took up our employee’s time and never gave us any type of executable action plans that would work for our company/industry. I do want/need a ROI and I have seen us spend money that did not give us a good return, and in some cases even hurt the company. I provide this as background so you understand my frustration with past consultants … until now

TPG’s consultant came into the company with a very aggressive schedule. I am sure after my first meeting with her, she was concerned since I made no effort to cover up my expectations and what my past observations and experiences have been with consultants. After just our third meeting, I saw immediately that she got it. Her talent to take best business practices and apply them to our company was incredible. This is what we need as a company. We need to have the processes in place to direct, guide and track, but create these processes so they can actually be used. My intention was not to make these great account plans and have them sit on the server unused for a year.

I want to be able to show the board “look what we did” and then everything will be great. The tool she created was customized for us and created almost from scratch. Her ability to translate the opportunities to leverage these tools to our team was outstanding. She truly has a talent to digest information, process it and produce an incredibly useful solution. I don’t think I have said this in the last 3 years about any internal or external person in this company, but I was very impressed with this TPG consultant.
