Talent Engagement – The Organization’s “Pulse”


The Opportunity

An organization’s design fundamentally drives talent engagement and the business results. There are six key design elements critical to successful engagement: 1) work processes; 2) decision making; 3) roles & structure; 4) talent development; 5) insights and systems; and 6) performance management (reward and recognition) programs. TPG’s proprietary “Pulse” tool enables an organization to quickly and efficiently evaluate talent engagement (the “what”) as well as the degree to which these design elements may be driving engagement (the “why”). Within weeks, a client can act upon the learning, modify their organization’s design and realize significant improvement in talent engagement, productivity and business results.


Organization Development


What We Do

TPG’s seasoned organization development team deploys our proprietary diagnostic tool to quickly & effectively identify the level of talent engagement for a client and to pinpoint the organizational design strengths and opportunities. A partial list of our talent engagement services includes:

  • Talent Engagement Level: Develop, execute and analyze the level of talent engagement for the retail enterprise, a targeted retail function and/or a sub-function utilizing TPG’s proprietary talent engagement “Pulse” tool. TPG can also provide relevant organizational benchmarking among peer and/or competitive companies.
  • Talent Engagement Diagnosis: Analyze “Pulse” results, supplemented by targeted interviews and document reviews, to determine the talent engagement opportunities. Areas of investigation often include:
      • Strategic Comprehension & Alignment
      • Role clarity
      • Decision Making Effectiveness
      • Work Processes and Prioritization
      • Resource/Time Allocation
      • Information and Tool Utilization
      • Talent Development
      • Performance Management
      • Selection and Assessment
  • Organization Recommendation: Conduct a comprehensive review and prioritization of the organization design opportunities and their impact on talent engagement. Create an implementation roadmap, including quick wins and long-term organizational enhancements.

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