Innovation Process Rewiring

Innovation Process Rewiring

While most business leaders acknowledge that innovation is the lifeblood of any business, few organizations have developed a reliable and systematic approach to developing and executing a multi-year pipeline of robust innovations.

The world’s top innovators have instituted a meaningful innovation infrastructure that produces consistent results over time.

What We Do

At TPG, we begin with the work and desired outcomes, then design an organization to efficiently and effectively achieve based on your culture and business objectives. Together we blueprint, then develop a change management plan to naturally evolve your team to a high performing, results-focused innovation culture.

  • End-to-end Innovation Process: A suite of processes to ensure insight-based strategic choice, efficient cross-functional collaboration, and speed-to-market.
  • Empowered Decision Making: Provides clarity on decision rights and metrics that enable a balanced portfolio of innovations & renovations over time.
  • Structure & Roles: Designs organizational structures, roles, and functional linkages – customized to your culture and business needs.
  • Competencies: Defines the unique skill sets required for effective innovation and renovation across functions.
  • Project Management: Cadence to manage the complexities of innovation and commercialization.
  • Change Management: Provides seamless transition from current state to the future state, with facilitation of new processes to ensure understanding and capability development.

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