Category/Brand Health Monitor


Category/Brand Health Monitor

Discover the role your brand plays in the hearts and minds of your 3 most critical stakeholders: consumers, shoppers, and retail buyers.



What We Do

A periodic/trended quantitative research study in select CPG categories that assesses traditional metrics such as Awareness, Perception, and Commitment by brand (via consumers), but adds further dimension by understanding the role these brands play in the hearts/minds of a) shoppers of specific retailers, and b) retailer buyers of the corresponding department/category.

Audience Sample Metrics
Category Consumers
  • Brand Awareness (aided/unaided)
  • Brand Perception (against specific POD/POP category attributes)
  • Brand Commitment (a proxy for loyalty)
Category Shoppers
  • All of the above, plus
  • Retailer Perception (against specific retail landscape attributes)
  • Role they view specific channels/retailers playing for select categories
  • Basket size/composition (self-reported)
  • Retailer Share of Wallet in select categories (self-reported)
Retailer Buyers
  • Role they view specific brands playing in driving growth in select categories they own
  • Drivers that influence their stocking/placement decisions
  • Their belief of consumers’ Brand Perceptions
  • Their belief of shoppers’ Retailer Perceptions


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