OCM: Customer Segmentation


OCM: Customer Segmentation

Resources are constrained and you are asked to do more with less. Placing smart bets around resource deployment is critical to your company’s success. When it comes to Customer Development (both distributors and chain operators), having a Customer Segmentation strategy creates an understanding around which customers hold the greatest value for you today and which represent your best opportunity for success tomorrow.



Foodservice Consulting


What We Do

TPG’s Foodservice Customer Segmentation process is based on a best practice that we developed with IFMA. It’s part of the Operator-Manufacturer Collaboration Model work that involved input from more than 20 manufacturers and chain operators. It includes a process of score-carding relationships across a series of customized criteria to rank customers based on value and opportunity. It includes the following components.

  • Customizing the Relationship Support Matrix: The model includes a list of 11 criteria used to evaluate your chain operators or distributors’ opportunity and potential. The first step is to review and customize this list to fit your organization’s goals and constraints.
  • Populating the Scorecard: After the scorecard is customized we populate it for each customer (distributor or chain operator). The resulting score allows us to rank each customer based on its value and potential.
  • Building the Relationship Pyramid Segmentation Model: Once each customer is score-carded the Relationship Pyramid is built which assigns each customer to one of 4-tiers: Transactional, Preferred, Collaborative or Strategic.
  • Organizational Implications & Planning: TPG then works with you to identify customer management implications for your organization and assist with developing a plan for aligning your structure and resources to maximize these relationships.