Curriculum Design


Curriculum Design

Many manufacturers struggle with optimizing their training budgets, people’s valuable time and organizations performance goals through a highly effective and efficient training curriculum. It should begin with an “end in mind” of solving for pain points while ensuring a compatible integration within a client’s Learning Management System, performance development system, KPI trackers, etc.
TPG clarifies essential functional competencies and proficiency levels that, once improved, can lead to consistent performance improvement. TPG includes a robust blend of Industry best practice TPG course content, existing client courseware, external training options as well as delivery methods that are engaging, efficient, and most importantly, effective.


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What We Do

TPG’s Training Team provides Manufacturers with a competency-based, blended delivery curriculum with proven results. A partial list of our training curriculum design services include:

  • Assessment & Recommendation: Objective detailed review of client’s existing training curriculum benchmarked against TPG extensive library of Industry Best Practice content.
  • Competency-based design: Reflection of competency and proficiency levels within matrix deign to create curriculum offerings.
  • Blended Delivery Mix: Development of client-friendly mix in delivery blend for budget, time and relevancy.
  • Integration to client systems: Assurance of fit within client systems that enable the curriculum to gain traction e.g. LMS, Training Plan Maps, Performance Development Cycles, etc.
  • Experiential based training On the job: Facilitated pilots as a training between trade partners and on-the-job practicum as a means for a highly effective learning path.
  • Extensive resourcing of Best Practice content: Utilization of an optimum mix between client existing, TPG courseware and external training for curriculum. Criteria and vetting process created.