Supply Chain Excellence

The pressure to achieve <a href="http://www find” target=”_blank”>supply chain excellence with your supporting technology is growing at a breathtaking pace. The momentous growth of Internet-based commerce is rapidly transforming how consumers and businesses access goods and services sold by retailers. The key question for supply chain executives and technology leaders, “Is your technology portfolio strategically positioned to keep pace with your future plans including digital, collaboration, analytics, cloud and Omni-channel strategies?” The best way to answer this question is to perform a Supply Chain Technology Assessment across all aspects of your technology portfolio.

Partner Chrys Tarvin illuminates the challenge of understanding how the features and integration requirements to support your immediate business needs while providing the realistic roadmap prioritized to align with delivering value, speed and minimize cost. The timing for a Technology Assessment is right for you if any of the following apply:

  • Executive leadership has requested a Gap Analysis of your business competitive advantages and risks aligned with the supply chain technology platform
  • Systems and platforms past end-of-life or end of scale
  • Innovative new service offerings business acquisitions or channel expansion opportunities have identified support gaps in the existing technology platform
  • Customer Service demands are driving new technologies and cloud-based solutions
  • Network Planning exposed opportunities to lower total cost of ownership or demand increased value delivered through supply-chain operations