
Global Pet Food Manufacturer reinvents the Pet Care Category

Client Description

1) Global Pet Food Manufacturer


1) No real category identity
2) Routine/commodity-oriented shopping trip – No excitement or communicated concern for the health & wellbeing of the Pet
3) Hassle to shop and tough to pick up big bags


1) TPG led a Category Reinvention Project with Manufacturer to identify a new Vision for the category; a strategic platform for establishing a retailer as a ‘preferred pet care provider’ and breakthrough concepts to satisfy and delight Pet Parents

TPG Approach

1) TPG leveraged Shopper Insights using TPG’s 3D Model to create new growth strategies and key initiatives
2) Concepts designed included Big Bag Assistance program, Treat Center and overall category location, flow and signage redesign for in-store implementation.


1) 9.3% category growth after deployment of new in-store reinvention concepts at leading retailer.

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